►Para indicar uma ação realizada para alguém a nosso pedido ou em nosso favor, usamos uma forma apropriada do verbo to HAVE ou to GET e o particípio passado do verbo principal.
Ex.: I often have my car washed.
I often get my car washed.
He had this house painted.
He got his house painted.
We will have our hair cult tomorrow.
We will get our hair cut tomorrow.
Pessoas esta vale lembrar - o que é preposição - uma palavra que estabelece relação entre palavras na mesma oração
Pessoas você necessita fazer exercícios dos cursos livre da internet para complemento das fases Elementary, Intermediate e Advanced with possessive adjectives and pronouns para seu próprio entendimento, por exemplo:
Check A if the subject performed the action and B when someone else did it.
1 – She cleans her room every day. ( )
2 – I took a picture yesterday. ( )
3 – Judy was making her dress. ( )
Transform the sentences using causative have.
1 – They are washing their car now.
2 – I have brushed my hair.
3 – I’ll publish my poems some day.
Write sentences.
Example: Cindy/ mail / the letters / tomorrow.
Cindy will have the letters mailed tomorrow.
1 – I? just press? My clothes
2 – Bob? pull? two teeth? Next week
3 – Doris ? do? The dishes ? every day
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