LESSON 01/40




Subject Pronouns
Object Pronouns



- Pronome sujeito: é usado como sujeito da oração.
   Ex.:   I  am  Brazilian.
- Pronome objeto: é usado como objeto direto ou objeto indireto.
   Ex.:   Bob  loves  her.

Orações com dois objetos:

Ex.:  He gave me some flowers. (enfatiza o objeto direto)
         He gave some flowers to me. (enfatiza o objeto indireto)


Choose the correct alternative.

1 – (We, Us) offers get up early.

2 – I usually meet (him, he) at school.

3 – What is the problem with (they, them)?


Substitute the correct pronouns for the underlined word(s).

1 – Apes are very intelligent animals.

2 – The teacher is doing her work in the teachers’ room.

3 - What’s the problem with the girls?


Transform the sentences.

Ex.:  She is making a cake for Dad (him).
         She is making him a cake.

1 – He is writing a card to her.

2 – They are buying a birthday present to their mother.

3 – He always asks difficult questions to us



Possessive Adjectives
Possessive Pronouns

- Adjetivo possessive: precede o substantivo.
   Ex: This is my book.
- Pronome possessivo: substitui o substantivo.
   Ex.:  That book is mine.
- Os possessivos geralmente concordam com o possuidor
   Ex.:  I love my girl, you love yours.
► She is a friend of mine. (one of my friends)


Choose the correct alternative.
1 – I am doing (my, mine) homework.
2 – (our, ours) magazine is here, where are (their, theirs)?
3 – Sally is reading (her, hers) English book, Tom is reading (his, its).

Supply the correct possessives.
1 – John writes-------------composition and we don’t write-----------.
2 – The boys are waiting for -----------girlfriends.
3 - Ted, are those some of ----------friends?  

Supply the correct possessives for the words in italics.

1 – Mary’s books are on the table. Where are our books?
2 – The girls’ shoes aren’t here.
3 – This is Tom’s skate. I can’t find your skate.



THE VERB TO BE (ser/estar)

Quero salientar, logo de início, que, além dos significados básicos de ser e estar, o verbo to be é muito usado no sentido de ficar (tornar-se).
TO BE (present tense).

Neste emprego do verbo to be devem insister porque a maioria das pessoas que aprendem English costuma associar o to be apenas com ser e estar, jamais com o verbo ficar.
Exemple:  John is my friend. (O John é meu amigo)
                  They are American actors.  (Eles são atores (norte-)           americanos.)
                  Peter and Susan were in a hurry. (O peter ea Susan estavam com pressa)
                  They will be at the club.(eles estarão no clube)
                  Mary was upset when she heard the news.
                  (Mary ficou contrariada quando ouviu a notícia.)
                   Ou ainda, não esteve ou estava, nem foi ou era
                    I would be very grateful to you.
                    Eu lhe ficaria muito grato. (não seria ou estaria)

TO BE  (Present tense):

I am
I am not
Am I?
You are
You are not
Are you?
He is
He is not
Is he?
She is
She is not
Is she?
It is
 It is not
Is it?
We are
We are not
Are we?
You are
You are not
Are you?
They are
They are not
Are they?

       ► Forma-se o negativo colocando-se not após o verbo.
► Forma-se a interrogativa colocando-se o verbo antes do sujeito.
       ► Formas abreviadas: ‘re (are),  ‘s (is), isn’t (is not), aren’t (are not).


Supply the verb to be in the Present Tense.

1 – Jack-----------hungry.
2 – Mr. Lee and I ---------very good friends.
3 – My house--------------on Lincoln Street.


Supply the verb to be in the Present Tense.

1 – Our company------------- on Copley Road.
2 – I ------------Brazilian. My hometown -----------Recife.
3 -  ------------your shoes in the closet?


Put sentences 1 to 3 into the negative and sentences 4 to 6 into the interrogative form.
1 – They are at home.

2 – Frank’s our best friend.

3 – Apples are expensive this week.

4 - I’m angry with you.

5 – My answers are correct.

6 – Their book is on the table.


We use ‘be’ to talk about names, age, nationality, states, description, location, etc.

He is the same age as me.
I’m worried.
You are my favorite sister.

► We use the present simple to talk about everyday routines and things we do repeatedly.

I get up at  dawn.
What time does she get up?
At night, we often stay up late by the fire.

We also use the present simple to talk about situations that are permanent.

Where does she live?
She lives in Mexico. 


Present simple:

This is the form of the present simple ( with like + noun and  with dislikes like + -ing)

We use the present  simple of like to talk about things we like or don’t like.
Marina likes burges.
I don’t like my school uniform.
Do you like yellow?

We often use like + -ing to talk about things we like or dislike doing.
I like watching TV.
I don’t like playing tennis.
Does Jade like cycling?



TO BE (past tense)

I was
I was not
Was I?
You were
You were not
Were you?
He was
He was not
Was he?
She was
She was not
Was she?
It was
 It was not
Was it?
We were
We were not
Were we?
You were
You were not
Were you?
They were
They were not
Were they?

    ► Forma-se a negativa colocando-se not após o verbo.
► Forma-se a interrogativa colocando-se o verbo antes do sujeito.
► Formas abreviadas: wasn‘t (was not), weren‘t (were not).


Supply the verb to be in the Past Tense.

1 – I -----------tired last night.
2 – They ---------last for school.
3 – She --------------very happy at her birthday party.


Supply the verb to be in the Past Tense.

1 – The old school building------------- near my house, it was far away.
2 – ------------the scientists tired after the meeting?
3 - Summer ------------very hot last year.


Put sentences 1 to 3 into the negative and sentences 4 to 6 into the interrogative form.

1 – We were absent from class yesterday.

2 – The boxes were at the correct place.

3 – I was very angry at you.

4 – The policemen were near the corner.

5 – The red fish was out of the fish bowl.

6 – My name was the first on the list.

Observação: Já que o simple past corresponde ao nosso pretérito perfeito e ao imperfeito, conseqüentemete I was, you were, he was etc. significam também eu fui, você foi (tu foste), ele foi etc. Como saber, estão, qual dos dois tempos está sendo usado ou mentalizado, em English? Analisando qual dos dois, no contexto, faz mais sentido.

I was tired last night.
(eu estava cansado ontem á noite.)
They were in the kitchen.
(eles estavam na cozinha.)
It was the most important decision of my career.
(foi a decisão mais importante da minha carreira.)



THERE TO BE (Present/past)

There is (Há)
There was (Havia)
There are (Há)
There were (Havia)
     ► Formas afirmativas:  there is, there are, there was, there were.
► Forma interrogativas is there?, are there?, was there?, were there?
► Formas negativas:  there is not, there are not, and there was not, there were not.
►Formas abreviadas: theres (there is), there isn’t (there is not), there aren’t (there are not), there wasn‘t (there was not), there weren’t (there were not).


Put sentences in negative and interrogative form.

1 – I There is homework for tomorrow.
2 – There were science books in our class.
3 – There is a lemon in the refrigerator.


Choose the correct alternative.

1 – What (is there, there is) under the chair?
2 – (There is, There was) a police car here a minute ago.
3 – What (are there, was there) empty boxes in the garage.


Supply the correct form of there to be in the sentences below.

1 – ………………….an accident on First Avenue yesterday.

2 – …………………anybody in room 201 now?

3 – …………………double about your project last week.




A (um, uma): usado antes de palavras que iniciam com som de consoante.
     Ex.:    a boy      a horse     a year    a university       a chair
An (um, uma): usado antes de palavras que iniciam com som de vogal.
      Ex.:    an egg           an umbrella           an hour
A e An não são usados antes de substantivos no plural e de substantivos incontáveis (uncontable).
  Ex.: Horses are mammals.
       Would you like some Bread?
        I need some money.


Choose the correct alternative.

1 –  (A, An) bird can fly.
2 – He is (a, an) old man.
3 – There is  (a, an) child in my room.


Supply a or an.
1 – She is ……………..woman in love.

2 – ……wife is …………woman.

3 – …………writer writes books.

Supply a  or  an  when necessary.
1 - ………..flies are………insects.
2- They are……… Italian. They like ……..macaroni.
3- We can make ………..cake with……….egg and………milk



► This (este, esta, isto) refere-se a algo que está próximo. O plural de this é these.

     Ex.:   This book is interesting.

                   These books are interesting.

► That (aquele, aquela, aquilo) refere-se a algo que está longe. O plural de that é those.

      Ex.:    That girl over there is my sister.

                Those girls over there are my sisters.


Choose the correct alternative.

1 – (That, Those) are the shoes I want.
2 – I’m tired of (this, these) job.
3 – Let’s play with (that, those) children.      


Supply this or that in questions 1 a 3 and these or those in questions 4 a 6.

1 – Look! …………..is my girlfriend inside the restaurant.

2 – …… isn’t my book. My book is over there on the table.

3 – Guess, what is  .……..in my bands?

4 – …………flowers behind that house are beautiful.

5 – Let’s help ……… little boys near that  tree.

6 – What are……….black spots on my fingers, doctor?


Put the sentences into the plural form.

1 - What is that paper in  the drawer?

2-     This is his favorite rock band.

3- My sister likes that film. 





► De maneira geral, faz-se o plural acrescentando-se -s à forma do singular.

     Ex.:   table – tables     firl – firls      chief – chiefs      safe – safes.             

► Substantivos terminados em – s, - ch, -sh, -x, - z e –o recebem –es.

      Ex.:   bus  - buses        church – churches        brush  -  brushes.

                Box – boxes      buzz – buzzes              tomato tomatoes 
►  Plural irregular:  

man – men    
Foot   -   feet     
woman   -   women        
tooth – teeth        
mouse  - mice
child     - children
►Alguns substantivos terminados em –f ou –fe mudam o  - f ou  - fe para  -v e recebem –es:

Calf  - calves
Half  - halves
Knife  - knives 
Leaf   - leaves                                             
  life-lives                  loaf  - loaves 
sheaf – sheaves    
sheaf – sheaves                
shelf  -   shelves
thief   -  thieves
wife  -   wives
wolf –   wolves

►Palavras estrangeiras  abreviadas  terminadas em –o recebem –s .

Casino  - casinos 
Photo    - photos                       
hippo   - hippos
piano  - pianos

►Algumas palavras estrangeiras conservam o plural de origem.

Bacterium  - bactéria
Datum  - data                     

crisis   - crises     
basis  - bases            
genius  -   geni
nucleus   - nuclei 


Write the plural of the following nouns.

1 –  policeman………………………………………………………...
2 – door……………………………………………………………….
3 – century…………………………………………………………….


Put the sentences into the plural form.

1 – This is an old woman.

2 –That Frenchman is buying a hat.

3 – The lady is near the church.



Há quatro gêneros em inglês: masculino (man, king, Lion), feminino (woman, lady , hen), neutro (usado para coisas inanimadas:table, door, etc.) e comum (usado para ambos os sexos: person, neighbor, etc.).

O gênero é indicado por:
boy  –     girl
Father  - mother
Man  -     woman          
brother  -  sister  horse –     mare      nephew   - niece   
hull    -  cow  
husband  - wife 
son – daughter       
cock  - hen
king  - queen uncle- aunt     

►Terminação diferente:

actor    -    actress
steward  -    stewarde                  
waiter  -   waitress  
 lion  -   lioness       
heir        - heire
ancestor - ancestress
Anteposição ou posposição de palavras:


Frenchman   - Frenchwoman  

Bull-elephant - cow-lephant 


he-bear        - she-bear

grandfather  - grandmother  


Write the masculine of the following nouns.

1 – niece………………………………………………………...
2 – lioness……………………………………………………………….
3 – sister…………………………………………………………….
Rewrite supplying the feminine.

1 – My father is waiting for his brother.
2 – Look at that bull near the horse.
3 – The actor is sick.




► O caso genitivo expressa posse e é usado para pessoas e animais.

Ex.: the boy’s name (the name of the boy)
        the cat’s eyes (the name of the boy)

► É formado pelo acréscimo de ‘s ao possuidor. 
 Ex.: Jack’s car      Charles’s book     the children’s book     the men’s house

►Quando o substantivo termina em –s, usar-se apenas o apóstrofo ( ‘ ):

Ex.:   the girls’ room        the ladies’ dresses       

►substantivos compostos são tratados como substantivos simples:

    Ex.:  my father-in-law’s car

►O caso genitive também é usado para se referir a lugares.

►Anteposição ou posposição de palavras:

   Ex.: I’m going to Grandma’s. (Grandma’s house)

         He’s going to the baker’s. (the baker’s shop)

►Pode-se usar o caso genitivo para indicar coisas personificadas ou dignificadas.

    Ex.:  the beauty’s Queen  the earth’s surface

►Quando há mais de um possuidor:
a) para indicar posse comum,  apenas o último possuidor recebe o genitivo.
Ex.:  Jack and Peter’s father (o mesmo pai)
b)    para indicar posse individual, usa-se o genitivo para cada um dos possuidores.
Ex.:  Joe’s and Jane’s fathers (pais diferentes)


Supply ‘  or ‘s.

1 – Don………car is in the garage.
2 – Mr. Simpson………secretary is outside.
3 – They sell ladies………hats in this store.    


Put into the Genitive Case.

1 – The dresses of the girls     ------------------------------------------------.

2 – The tail of the dog            ------------------------------------------------.

3 – The cat of the students      -----------------------------------------------.


Rewrite supplying ‘ or ‘s where necessary.

1- (The boy and the girl) trousers are dirty.
2 - We can meet at (Bob).
3 - She is going to the (dentist).




► Como se forma: presente do verbo to be + o particípio presente do verbo principal (verbo+ - ing).

I am studying
You are studying
She is studying
We are studying
You are studying
They are studying

►  O pressente contínuo é usado para expressar ações que estão acontecendo. È geralmente empregado com advérbios de tempo : now, at this moment, etc.

►O present contínuo pode expressar também ações futuras.

    Ex.:  I am working next Saturday.
              She is leaving tomorrow.                                                                                                                                                  


Supply the Present Continuous Tense of the verbs in parentheses.

1 – My sister and I …………..(do) our homework now.
2 – My neighbors……………(travel) around the world.
3 – The cat…………..  (sleep) in the garden.

Insert the verbs below in the correct places.

are studying                      am reading                    is ringing       

1 – We --------------------------hard because we have a test tomorrow.

2 – I  ------------------------a book on ancient Greece.

3 – Listen, the telephone --------------------------------.

Supply the correct form of the Present Continuous Tense of the following verbs.

Teach                       play                         clean

1-    Jene ------------------Portuguese in my school next year.
2-    Where--------------the boys-----------football?
3-    Jill ----------------------the bathroom. She is leaning her bedroom.




► Forma afirmativa:  She is reading.
·        Forma negative:  She is not reading.
·        Forma interrogative: Is she reading?

► Formas abreviadas: isn’t (is not), aren’t (are not).

► Geralmente os verbos não sofrem modificações ao receber a terminação com  –ing.
a)    se o verbo termina em –e, ele perde o –e ao receber – ing.
Ex.: drive     - driving        write    - writing        Love  - loving
b) se o verbo termina em consoante /vogal/consoante, dobra-se a última consoante e acrescenta-se   - ing.
Ex.:  cut - cutting  swim – swimming  run   - running


Put the sentences into the negative form.

1 – The boys are writing letters
2 – Karen is making a cake.
3 – The cat is running around the table.


Put the sentences from exercise I into the interrogative form.

1 – -----------------------------------------------------------------------.
2 – -----------------------------------------------------------------------.
3 – -----------------------------------------------------------------------.

Supply the Present Continuous Tense of the verbs in parentheses.

4-    The children--------------------------------------(swim) in the lake.
5-    I-----------------------------------(cut) apples to make a pie.
6-    He --------------------------------(take) a walk.




► Como se forma: passado do verbo to be + o particípio presente do verbo principal (verbo+ -ing).
I was studying
You were studying
He was studying
She was studying
We were studying
You were studying
They were studying

► Afirmativa: They were studying.
     Negativa:  They were not studying.
     Interrogativa: Were they studying?

► Formas abreviadas:  wasn’t (was not), weren’t (were not).
   They weren’t studying


Put the sentences into the negative and interrogative form.

1 – She was walking to school.
2 – They were playing chess.
3 – The cat was sleeping under the bed.

Put the here sentences interrogative for.

1 – -----------------------------------------------------------------------.
2 – -----------------------------------------------------------------------.
3 – ------------------------------------------------------------------------.


Supply the Past Continuous Tense of the verbs in parentheses.

7-    The children--------------------------------------(cry) 5 minutes ago.
8-    I-----------------------------------(study) geography.
9-    Jane --------------------------------(prepare) dinner




► O passado continuo é usado para expressar:

a)      Ações que estavam acontecendo num determinado momento do passado.
Ex.: They were studying five minutes ago
       I was working yesterday morning.
b)     Ações que estavam acontecendo quando uma outra ação ocorreu.
Ex.: They were studying when I arrived.
        I was working when you called.
c)     Duas ações que estavam acontecendo no mesmo momento.
Ex.:  They were studying while I was working.


Supply the Past Continuous Tense of the verbs in parentheses.

1 – They --------------------(travel) to Japan when the accident happened.
2 – When you arrived, I  ---------------------(take) a bath.
3 – The sun---------------------------(shine) when I got up this morning.


Insert the verbs in parentheses in the correct place.

1 – He --------------------a walk when he ----------- you. (was taking/saw)
2 – When she ------------, I ----------------------- lunch. (was having/arrived)
3 – The accident----------, when they------------home.  (were  driving / happened) 


Supply the Simple Past or the Past Continuous Tense.

1 – The bird ----------------------(try) to fly when the cat caught it.
2 -  I-----------------------------------(eat) piece of cake when mother
       ----------------------(not look).
3 - When she called us we -------------------(correct) our exercises.




► Como se forma: presente do verbo to be + going + infinitivo do verbo principal.

I am going to study
You are going to study
He is going to study
She is going to study
We are going to study
You are going to study
They are going to study

► Afirmativa:       She is going to study.
     Negativa:          She is not (isn’t) going to study.
     Interrogativa:    Is she going to study?   

► Going to (Present) é usado para expressar:
a)     Ações que vão ocorrer no futuro próximo;
b)    Planos ou intenções;
c)     Probabilidade.


Choose the correct alternative.

  1 – Donald (is going, is going to) meet me at 3 o’clock.
  2 – What (is, are) you going to do tomorrow?
3 – My sister is going (to drive, to driving) her new car.


Put the verbs is parentheses into the Going to (Present) form.

1 – Henry --------------------(work) tomorrow morning.
2 – ------------, Jene  ----------------------- (play)  volleyball with us?
3 – What -------------you------------(have) for dessert? 


Write sentences. Follow the example.
Example:  George – suit tomorrow night.
                   George is going to wear his new suit tomorrow night.

1 - My brother – buy – bicycle - next Saturday.
2 - Those gentlemen – eat – desert – outside.
3 - Jenet - bring – baby – tonight?




► Como se forma: passado do verbo to be +going + infinitivo do verbo principal. Going to  informa intentions and predictions

I was going to study
You were going to study
He was going to study
She was going to study
We were going to study
You were going to study
They were going to study

► Afirmativa:       They were going to study.
    Negativa:         They were not (weren’t) going to study.
    Interrogativa:   were they going to study? 

► We use going to to talk about something we have already decided todo or somenting we intend to do in the future.
I’m going to be nicer to my sister.
I’m not going to eat so much chocolate.
A: What color is here going to paint his room?
B: He’s going to paint it purple.
How is He going to fix his sunglasses?

► Going to (Past) é usado para expressar uma ação planejada no passado, mas que não aconteceu:
Ex.: I was going to study, but I was too tired.


Choose the correct alternative.

1 – Doris and Bob (was, were) going to travel.
2 – We (were going, was going) to clean the garage.
3 – Where (was he, he was) going to buy those books?


Put the verbs is parentheses into the Going to (Past) form.

1 – Tom --------------------(study) yesterday, but he couldn’t.
2 – ------------, you  ----------------------- (work) last night?
3 – What -------------you------------(tell) m this morning? 


Answer the questions. Use the words in parentheses.

1-    What was he going to do? (work).
2-    What were you going to buy? (fruit).
3-    What was she going to give you? (a present)



SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE (will – predictions)

► Como se forma: will + verbo principal.

I will study
You will study
He will study
She will study
We will study
You will study
They will study

► Afirmativa:       They will (They’ll) study.
     Negativa:         They will not (won’t) study.
     Interrogativa:   Will they study? 

► Formas abreviadas: ‘ll (will); won’t ( will not).

► O future simples é usado para expressar uma ação futura.
    Ex.: They will arrive tomorrow.

► We use Will to talk about what we think or know Will happen in the future.
    Ex.:  Will you be married in 2050?
            There won’t be any cars in the future.
            We’ll read fewer books in the future.
► We often use think, believe, in my opinion to talk about predictions with Will.
    Ex.: I think we’ll watch more TV.
           I believe we’ll eat less candy.
           In my opinion, we’ll eat more fast food.

Change sentences 1 to 3 to the negative and 4 a 6 to the interrogative form.

1-    We will see you in the morning.
2-    You will learn mathematics.
3-    Sally will make a cake.
4-    They will help us tomorrow.
5-    He will invite you.
6-    She will work hard.


Supply the Future Tense.

1 – I --------------------(arrive) at 10 o’clock .
2 – ------------, it  ----------------------- (cost) much money?
3 – We -------------(be) ready in ten minutes.


Answer the questions. Use the words in parentheses.

7-    Where will they work?  (at home)
8-    What will she do? (work)
9-    How will tom travel? (by plane)




► Como se forma: verbo no infinitivo sem to.
Ex.:   Come!   Go!    Speak!    Help!

► Afirmativa:       Go home!
     Negativa:         Don’t go home!

► O imperativo é usado para expressar uma ordem ou um pedido.
     Ex.:  Clean your room!
             Please, help me!

►A forma imperativa let’s + verbo é usada para expressar uma proposta ou um convite.

►Afirmativa: Let’s visit Nancy.
    Negativa:   Let’s not visit Nancy today.


I - Change these sentences form the affirmative to the negative form.

1-    Go outside.
2-    Give this to him.
3-    Put your books on the table.

II – Change these sentences from the negative to the affirmative form.

       1 – Don’t open the door.
       2 – Let’s not visit her.
        3 - Don’t help him.


Choose the correct alternative.

1 – Don’t (open, wait) the window.
2 – Let1s not (invite, buy) her
3 – (wait, Go) for me.




►Como se forma: verbo no infinitivo sem to. Na 3ª pessoa do singular recebe –s ou -es.

I walk
You walk
He walks
She walks
It walks
We walk
You walk
They walk

► O presente simples é usado para expressar ações habituais. É geralmente empegado com advérbios de tempo: always, often, usually, frequently , sometimes, never, every day, on Mondays, etc
   Ex.:  I usually walk to school.
           He works walk to school.

►O presente simples pode expressar também verdades universais e ações futuras planejadas.
Ex.: Birds fly.
        The train leaves in five minutes.


Supply the Simple Present Tense.

1 – Dogs------------------------(bark).
2 – I usually ------------(walk) to school.
3 – He ----------------(work) near his house.


Choose the correct alternative.

1 – I (work, works) downtown.
2 – She usually (talk, talks) to him.
3 – John (love, loves) you.


Supply the following verb forms.
eats   -  have  -  visits

1 – Little Peter ----------------- fruit every morning.
2 - we --------------------------- breakfast at 7 o’clock.
3 – She  ------------------- her parents every Sunday. 




►  Para forma a 3ª pessoa do singular de alguns verbos acrescenta-se  -s
Ex.: walk - walks

Se o verbo terminar em –ss, -sh, -ch, -x, - ou – o, acrescenta-se –es.
Ex.: Kiss – kisses        wash – washes         watch – watches
         Fix – fixes           buzz – buzzes           GO  - goes

Se o verbo terminar em   -y precedido de consoante, troca-se o –y por –i e acrescenta-se –es.
Ex.:       try   -   tries                hurry   -  hurries       study - studies


Change the following sentences to 3rd person singular.

1 –  I hurry to the club every week.

2 – You often study hard.

3 – We watch TV In the evening.



Supply the Simple Present Tense.
1– Jane------------(try) to learn how to swim every day.

2 – She always ----------------(wait) for me in front of school.

3 – They often -------------(dance) in the club on weekends.


Supply the Simple Present Tense or the Present Continuous Tense.

1 - Linda……….. (study) now.

2- They ……… (live) in a big city.

3- I usually ……….. (get) up early. 




Afirmativa: You study.                 He studies
      Negativa:     You do not study.     He does not study.
      Interrogativa:  Do you study?      Does He study?

Foram abreviadas: don’t (do not) ,  doesn’t (does not).

Nas formas negativa e interrogativa, em que se usa o verbo auxiliar (do/does), o  verbo principal fica no infinitivo, sem to.

Frases iniciadas por palavras interrogativas como what, when, where, how, why, etc. seguem as mesmas regras das frases interrogativas.


I - Turn into the negative form.

1 – We tell them about our plans.

2 – He eats lunch in the cafeteria.

3 – She lives in New York
II – Turn the sentences from exercise I into the interrogative form.

1 - _________________________________________________________

2 - _________________________________________________________

3- _________________________________________________________


Supply do or does to complete the following questions.

1– Where ----------he live?

2 – What ------------they usually eat?

3 – How much ----------------this usually eat?


Ask questions. Use the words in parentheses.

1 - They meet Paul in the park. (where).

2- You travel by car. (how)

3- It rains in the spring.(when) 




► Much (muito) e little (pouco) são usados com substantivos incontáveis (geralmente no singular).
Ex.: much love,  much milk ,  little coffee,  little time

► Many (muitos) e few (poucos) são usados com substantivos contáveis (geralmente no plural).
Ex.:  many books,  many boys,  few pencils,  few girls


► Much e many, em frases afirmativa, podem ser substituídos por  a  lot of, plenty of,  a great deal of,  lots of.

► Less (menos) é usado com substantivos incontáveis.
Fewer (menos) é usado com substantivos contáveis.
Ex.: She has less time to study than her brother.
        She has fewer books than her father.


I - Supply much or many.

1 – There was   ________ work yesterday.
2 - There are_________ old beliefs among us today.
3 -   ____________single girls were at the dance yesterday.

II – Supply few or little.

1 – We have _______ time to study.
2 -  _________ people agree with him.
3 – The baby drank ________ milk yesterday.

III – Supply less or fewer.

1 – I have ______ time to study than you.
2 – We invited _________ friends than Joyce.
3 – Charles had _____ money than John, so he bought _____ oranges.
3 – How much ----------------this usually eat?


Ask questions. Use the words in parentheses.

1 - They meet Paul in the park. (where).

2- You travel by car. (how)

3- It rains in the spring.(when) 


In (em; dentro
Século  (in the 20th century)

Continente (in Africa)

Década (in the 60’s)
País (in England)

ano (in 1996)
Estado (in Minis Gerais)

Estação do ano ( in summer)
Cidade ( in Curitiba)

Mês (in June)
Bairro (in Ipanema)

Períodos do dia, exceto night (in the morning)
Rua (in the street)
On (sobre; em; em cima.
 Dia do mês (on May 2nd)
 Nome de rua (on Main Street)
Dia da semana (on Monday)
Avenida (on 5th Avenue)

Data específica (on Christmas Day)
Praça (on Times Square)
Hora (at 7 o’clock)
Rua com número (at 54 Main Street)

Data específica sem a palavra day (at Christimas)
Local específico (at school. At church, at home)

►among: entre (vários)
► around: ao redor de, em volta de
►Behind: atrás de
►Between: entre (dois)
► in front of : na frente de
►out of : fora de
►to: para
►under:  embaixo de
Prepositions of time:
We use on, in, at in these ways:

On + day, date
What are you doing on Saturday?
My birthday’s on September 5th.

In + a part of the day, month, year.
I’m going shopping in the afternoon.
Where are you going in July?
We’re going to Paris in  2008.

At + time of day
I get up at 7:30.


I - Supply the appropriate prepositions.

1 – Walk three times   ________ the pool.
2 - Helen is_________ home.
3 – The books are ____________the floor___________ the chair.
4 – He is studying _____ Paris.
5 – Wait for me _________of the cinema.
6 – The girls are ________ the tree and the house.




Como se forma: de modo geral, acrescentar-se  –ed  ao infinitivo dos verbos.  (see lesson 54)
I  walked
You  walked
He  walked
She  walked
It  walked
We  walked
You  walked
They  walked

►O passado simples é usado para expressar ações acabadas em um tempo definido.
É geralmente empregado com advérbios de tempo: yesterday, ago, last ... etc.  
      Ex.:  O walked to school yesterday.

Pessoas! Eu já havia esclarecido bem lá no inicio destas lições que as regras de português valem e é igual a nossa gramática.... Inclusive sobre os marcadores temporais baseado na régua.

► O passado simples pode expressar também hábitos passados.
      Ex.:  I always walked to school when I was five years old.


I - Choose the correct alternative.

1 – I (listened, listen) to the weather forecast 5 minutes ago.
2 – She (waters; watered) the flowers very early this morning.
3 – He (shout; watered) at me in the middle of the street.


Supply the Simple Past Tense of the verbs in parentheses.

1 – Glenda____________(talk)  to me and hour ago.
2 – We ____________(walk) to school yesterday.
3 – I ___________ (enter) this group in January.


Supply the following verb forms.

Passed       cleaned        played       

1 – He always   __________ his examinations when he was young.
2 – I   ____________ my room before going to school.
3 – They ________the piano very well years ago.



► Em english há verbos regulares e irregulares.

►Para se formar o passado simples dos verbos regulares acrescenta-se  - d /   -ed  ao verbo.
Ex.:  Love   -  loved   change  - changed     talk  -  talked    play  - played

►Se o verbo terminar em  -y precedido de consoante, troca-se  o –y por – ied.
Ex.:   cary  - carried     study   - studied     hurry  - hurried

►Se o verbo terminar em sílaba forte formada por consoante / vogal / consoantes, dobra-se a última consoante e acrescenta-se - ed.


I - Supply the Simple Paste Tense of the verbs in parentheses.

1 – I__________ (try) to talk to Helen last night.
2 – The fire __________ (occur) while we were out of the house.
3 – He ___________  (love) his old dog very much.


Supply the Simple Past Tense of the irregular verbs in parentheses.

1 – She____________(bring)  many friends to our party.
2 – I ____________(meet) her five minutes ago.
3 – I ___________ (leave) home very early yesterday.

Supply the following verb forms.

Passed       cleaned        played       

1 – He always   __________ his examinations when he was young.
2 – I   ____________ my room before going to school.
3 – They ________the piano very well years ago.




► Afirmativa:       He studied.            He spoke.
    Negativa:         He did not study.   He did not speak.
    Interrogativa:  Did he study?         Did he speak?

► Forma abreviada: didn’t (did not).

►Nas formas negativa e interrogativa, em que se usa o verbo auxiliar (did), o verbo principal fica no infinitivo, sem to.


Put the sentences into the interrogative form.

1 – They worked together for many years.

2 – I studied English yesterday.

3 – She went to school  by car.

II – Put the sentences above into the negative form.



Choose the correct alternative.

1 – Where did he (go, went)?

2 – When did they (came, come) from work?

3 – What time did you (arrived, arrive) last night?

Ask questions. Use the words in parentheses.

1 – He went to the movies. (Where)

2 – She taught French last year. (When)

3 – We traveled by plane. (How)





Put the sentences into the interrogative form.

1 – They worked together for many years.

2 – I studied English yesterday.

3 – She went to school by car.

II – Put the sentences above into the negative form.



Choose the correct alternative.

1 – Where did he (go, went)?

2 – When did they (came, come) from work?

3 – What time did you (arrived, arrive) last night?


Ask questions. Use the words in parentheses.

1 – He went to the movies. (Where)

2 – She taught French last year. (When)

3 – We traveled by plane. (How)



► Presente (present)                        

Passado (past)
I          have
You     have
He       has
She     has
It         has
We      have
You     have
They   have

I         had
You    had
He      had
She    had
It        had
We     had
You    had
They  had

► To  have  pode ser usado como verbo comum.
► Afirmativa:        You have a car.
      Interrogativa:   Do you have a car?
      Negativa:           You don’t have a car.

► To have também pode ser usado como verbo auxiliar na formação de tempos perfeitos (presente perfeito, passado perfeito, etc.).
        Ex.:  I have seen Mary.
                 He has worked very much.

► Particularidade
     Como verbo comum, have pode dispensar o auxiliar (do, does,   did)  nas formas interrogativa e negativa.
Ex.:  Have you a car?
          You haven’t a car.


Choose the correct alternative.

1 – We (have, has) many things in common.

2 – They (have, didn’t have) a good time yesterday.

3 – She (hasn’t, doesn’t) any money.


Choose the following sentences from past to present.

1 – She had a sister and a brother.

2 – Mary and Tom had an old car.

3 – The room had two doors.


Put the following sentences into the affirmative form.

1 – He didn’t have a car.

2 – Does Dr.  Adams have  many patients?

3 – I don’t have blue eyes.




► Como se forma: future do verbo to be (will be) + o verbo principal no particípio presente (verbo + -ing).                                 

I          will be working
You     will be working
He       will be working
She     will be working
It         will be working
We      will be working
You     will be working
They   will be working
► Afirmativa:       I will be working.
     Interrogativa:    Will I be working?
     Negativa:           I Will not be working.


Put sentences 1 to 3 into the negative and 4 to 6 into the interrogative form.

1 – I will be studying at 5 o’clock.
2 – You will be lining in Japan next year.

3 – We will be living in Japan next year.
4 -  I will be moving to L.A. by May.

5 – They will be leaving when you arrive.
6 – She will be arriving by 4 o’clock

Put the following sentences into the Future Continuous Tense.

1 – We will have dinner at 8 o’clock.

2 – He will wait for you on the corner.

3 – Tom and I will talk to you in an hour.


Supply the future Continuous form of the verbs in parentheses.

1 – Tomorrow at this time I ------------------------(fly) to Italy.

2 – When you arrive, she-----------------(cook) lunch.

3 – When we get there, they--------------(prepare) our sandwiches.




► Usa-se some (algum, alguns, algumas, algumas) em frase afirmativa.
►  Usa-se no (nenhum, nenhuma) em frases negativas.

► Usa-se any (algum, alguns, algumas, algumas, nenhum, nenhuma) em  frases negativas e interrogativas.
Ex.: There are some books here.
        There are no books here.
        There aren’t any books here.
        Are there any books here?

► Some é usado em frases interrogativas apenas em caso de oferecimento ou quando se espera uma resposta afirmativa.
     Ex.: Would you like some coffee?
        Have you lost some Money?

►any é usado em frases afirmativas quando:
a)    Aparecer após a palavra IF.
If you have any questions, ask me.
b)    Significar qualquer.
Take any book you need.
c)     Houver palavra de sentido negativo na frase, como seldom, never, rarely, without, etc.
He left without any money.


I – Supply some or any.

1 – Give me ________ coffee.
2 – There aren’t _______good books here.
3 – I brought you _________aspirins.

II - Supply any or no.

1 – We have ________money to buy a car.
2 – We haven’t ______money to go to the movies.
3 -  There are _________ boys in the garden.


Choose the correct alternative.

1 – He seldom has (no, any) money.

2 – Would you like (some, no) tea?

3 – They never bring (no, any) food home.




► Os compostos de some, any e no seguem as mesmas regras de uso destes.
► Compostos de some: somebody, someone, something, somewhere.

► Compostos de no: nobody, no one, nothing, nowhere.

► Compostos de any: anybody, anyone, anything, anywhere.
  Ex.: There is somebody in that room.
          There is nobody in that room.
          There isn’t anybody in that room.
          Is there anybody in that room?


Change the following sentences from affirmative to negative. (Use a compound of no from 1 to 3 and a compound of any from 4 to 6.)

1 – I have something to tell you.

2 – There is somebody sleeping.

3 – The children are somewhere in the house.

4 – I lost my watch somewhere in the garden.

5 – He told us something about his life.

6 – Karen went somewhere near the lake.


Supply some, any, no or compounds.

1 – I haven’t _________time to help you.

2 – That poor boy has__________ to wear.

3 – he can’t see_________ without his glasses.




Personal Pronouns:
Reflexive Pronouns:


► O pronome reflexivo pode ter função reflexiva, indicando que a ação do verbo recai sobre o próprio sujeito. Nesse caso o pronome vem após o verbo e concorda com o sujeito.
Ex.: He hurt himself in the game.
► Quando o sujeito for um pronome indefinido (some, any, no ou seus compostos), a concordâncias é feita com a 3ª pessoa do singular.  Sempre no masculino.
Ex.: Nobody hurt himself.


Supply the correct reflexive pronouns.

1 – James drinks too much. He is destroying ______________.

2 – We wash ____________ in the morning.

3 -  The boy hurt ____________ when he fell from a tree.


Supply the correct reflexive pronouns.

1 – You must all behave_____________ at the table.

2 – I was thinking to ____________ when Ingrid entered the room.

3 – Has anybody here  hurt _____________from the game?




►Os pronomes reflexivos podem ter função idiomática. Nesse caso o pronome vem precedido de by e significa “sozinho”, “sem ajuda”.
Ex.: I live by myself.

► Os pronomes reflexivos também podem ter função enfática. Nesse caso eles concordam com a pessoa ou coisa que se quer enfatizar.
Ex.:   She talked to the President. (frase sem nenhuma enface)
She herself talked to the President. (enface no sujeito)
She talked to the Present herself. (enface no sujeito)
She talked to the President himself. (ênfase no objeto)


Substitute the word alone. Use reflexive pronouns idiomatically.

1 – The princess lives in the castle alone.

2 – I want  to do that work alone.

3 -  Nobody will help you. Do it alone.


Supply the correct reflexive pronouns. Use them emphatically.

1 – Mr. Gordon_____________ prepared the examination.

2 – The children ____________ built the doghouse.

3 – I painted the room_____________.


Supply the correct reflexive pronouns.

1 – He ____________prefers to cook lunch.

2- The boys cut __________ in the garden.

3 – I hurt___________ during the game.




► The: o, a, os, as
► O artigo definido é usado:
a)    Antes de substantivos precedidos ou não por adjetivos.
Ex.: the boy the sad boy

b) antes de nomes de instrumentos musicais e de nomes de família.
Ex.: the violin the Kennedys

c) antes de nomes de oceanos, mares, rios, montanhas (plural), ilhas (plural), países (plural), hotéis cinemas, teatros, trens e navios.
Ex.: the Pacific                 the United States     the Himalayas
        the Caribbean          the Hilton Hotel         the Bahamas
        the Amazon River    the Roxy                     the Titanic 
d) antes de um representante de uma classe ou espécie.
Ex.: the rich           the    poor       the dead
e) antes de um substantive único na espécie,  ou quando particularizado.


Supply a, an or the.

1 – ………Browns like to play …………guitar.

2 – There was…………boy near…………corner.

3 – ……….Andes are………….highest mountains in South America.


I – Supply a , an or the.

1-    I bought ……… book ……………book cost 10 dollars.

2-    We had……….very good time at………picnic.
3-    I found……. Dog in …….street and took ……… dog home.

II - Supply a, an or the where necessary.

1 - ………Krakatoa, which east………. Island in ……… Indonesia exploded.
2-……….sun rises in……….east and sets in………..west.

3- Before…………war, I worked for……….insurance company.




► O artigo definido é omitido:
a)    Antes de nomes próprios e de nomes de ciências e línguas.
          Ex.:    Mary     Bob       mathematics          Spanish
b)    Antes de substantivos usados no sentido geral e de substantivos incontáveis.
Ex.:   honesty      gold      money       man       coffee       wood]
c)     Antes de possessivos.
Ex.: our car        his house       their children
d)    Antes de alguns substantivos como home, church, school, hospital, bed, prison, quando usados para  o seu propósito original.
Ex.:  I went to church (to pray).
         I went to school (to study).
         I went to hospital 9because I was sick).

►  O artigo definido é usado:
a)Antes de substantivos precedidos ou não por adjetivos.
Ex.: the boy the sad boy

b) antes de nomes de instrumentos musicais e de nomes de família.
Ex.: the violin the Kennedys

c) antes de nomes de oceanos, mares, rios, montanhas (plural), ilhas (plural), países (plural), hotéis cinemas, teatros, trens e navios.
Ex.: the Pacific                 the United  States     the Himalayas
        the Caribbean           the Hilton Hotel        the Bahamas
        the Amazon River    the Roxy                     the Titanic 

d) antes de um representante de uma classe ou espécie.
Ex.:  the rich           the    poor       the dead

e) antes de um substantive único na espécie,  ou quando particularizado.
Ex.:    I went to church (to pray).
           I went to school (to study).
           I went to hospital (because I was sick).


Supply a, an  or the where necessary.

1 – ………moon was shining beautifully in …………sky.

2 –…………silver is used to make…………watches.

3 – ……….honesty of that woman is surprising.


I – Supply the where necessary.

4-    ……… boys are usually stronger than ……………girls.

5-    ……….accident happened when we were entering……restaurant.

6-    They like……. cheese …….milk, and ……… Switzerland.

II - Supply a, an or the where necessary.

1 - ………lead in heavy.

2-……….James Watt reinvented……….steam engine in 1760.

3- …………gold and……….silver are scare.




► ABOUT: aproximadamente; sobre
► ABOVE: acima
► AFTER: após
►AGAINST: contra
►BEFORE: antes; diante de
► FOR: por, para
► FROM: por, para
►INTO: em; para dentro
►OF: de (indicando posse)
►THROUGH: através

For this preposition have verbs followed by prepositions


I complete the sentences with the following prepositions:
               Against   -     about   -   above   -   after

1 – It is difficult to run………the wind.

2 –He talked…………his old friend.

3 –The bird flew ………. The old friend.

II – Complete the sentences with the following prepositions:
                   From   -  For  -   Before
1 – Turn right……….. you get to the post office.

2 – She baked a cake……….. her daughter.

3 – He is……………China.

III - Complete the sentences with the following  prepositions:

                              Into   -    Of   -   Through

1 – He went……… The house, took his sunglasses, and went to the park.

2 – She cut the cake…………. four  pieces.

3 - He is the only son …………. My friend;


I – Supply the appropriate prepositions.

1-    Walk straight ahead; then take the first street……… the museum.

2-    The package……….Tom has just arrived.

3-    Our office is open…………..nine to one every day.




► Os adjetivos modificam substantivos:
Ex.: a good friend                        a pretty girl

► Os advérbios modificam verbos, adjetivos ou outros advérbios.
Ex.:  She walks slowly.
         They are very stupid.
          You drive tôo fast.

► Muitos advérbios são formados acrescentando-se  -ly ao adjetivo ou um prefixo ou sufixo ao substantivo.
Ex.:    sincere   -  sincerely      board  -  aboard     week   -  weekly

►Algumas palavras como hand,  fast,  late,  early,  far  e much podem ser adjetivos e advérbios.
Ex.:     This is a fast car.

         ►Alguns advérbios apresentam  duas formas com significados diferentes:
                Late – lately          near  - really          hard    -  hardly

                Ex.:     Jack lives near the school. (perto)
                            We nearly had an accident yesterday. (quase)


Choose the correct alternative.

1 – Jeff   is  an (intelligent, intelligently) student.

2 – He lives (near, nearly) the school.

3 – Can you speak more (clear, clearly), please?


I - complete the sentences with the following words:
               silently   -    kind  -   curious   -  normally

1 – The accident happened because he was driving too………….. .

2 – Why don’t you ask that …………man?

3 – He opened the door so ………. That nobody noticed it.

II – Complete the sentences with the following words:
                   near   -  hardly -   nearby  -  nearly     -   hard

1 – Mark fell from the bicycle and ……….. broke his arm.

2 – Our last exam was very…………. .

3 – Louise had to go to a ……………store to buy sugar.


I – Rewrite the sentences in the correct order.

1-     Girl   -   a   -  Martha  - is  - smart

2-    Letter    -   kindly   -   he -   answered   -   my.

3-    We   -  supermarket  -  buy  –  never  -  that  -  vegetables - at.




► Os adjetivos de tempo (now, today, yesterday, etc.) e os de lugar (there, here, etc.) geralmente vêm no final d frase.
Ex.: She is studying now.                    He lives there.

► Os advérbios de freqüência (always, seldom, rarely, already, often, never, etc.) são colocados antes do verbo principal, mas sempre após o verbo auxiliar.
Ex.:  They always walk toschool.           He is often smiling.
          I don’t usually walk to school.      I have never seen her here.

► Quando há vários advérbios, eles são colocados no final da frase, na seguinte ordem: modo –lugar - tempo (exceto com o verbo to GO: lugar – modo – tempo).
Ex.: He walked very slowly to school yesterday.
        They went to school happily this morning.

►Quando há vários advérbios de tempo ou de lugar, a unidade menor vem primeiro.                
 Ex.:     He gets up at seven forty-five in the morning.
              I live in a small village in Arizona.


I – Complete the sentences with the following adverbs:
            Really    -      slowly   -    here   -    usually   -   ever
1 – Billy……………..writes cards to his parents on their birthdays.

2 – It’s hard to understand Mrs. Brown because she speaks very……. .

3 – Have you…………………..seen a ghost?

II – Complete the sentences with the following adverbs:

     Everywhere   -     seldom   -    just   -   yesterday -   never

1 – Little children must………………… go out at night.

2 – It …………………..rains in a desert. Only about three times a year.

3 – Her car broke………………………….


I – Put the adverbs in parentheses into the correct place.

1 – Harold went…..……     (by bus  / this morning  /  to school)

2 –Jane speaks…………      (very /  always   /fast)

3 –They want to go……    (to Rio / next week  / by car).


I – Rewrite the sentences in the correct order.

1-     is   -  his   -  Willy  - doing  - already  -  homework.

2-    Sundays    -  visit   -   on  -  Grandma   -   always   - we.

3-    Susan   -  rarely  - noon  – I   - here  - see - at.

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Para conhecer mais - videos

Veja os vídeos seguintes para conhecer mais sobre os tempos verbais estudados.

Present to be:


Present Continuous:




Simple Present:


Sons english X português


English - Português EI - A

EE. - E

AI - I

OU. - O

IU. - U

0,1 - 2,3... consoante fica em português o som e de zero(0) a uma(1) fica o som português. Word

E m a i l E. M. A. I. L

Quantas vogais - 3 = e, a, i

Quantas consoantes - 2 = M, L


Ler em português

O que faz o som se torna ei ou...

E a quantidade de consoantes entre eles (vogais)

E. M. A. I. L - tem:

ee M ei ai L. o 'ai'. Se torna nulo i (ai) de traz para frente perde o som e volta para 'i' ou afetado pelo som seguinte i. de ei. = ei:

Sons = se lê. ( imei:l )

(1). , (0) n° de consoante entre vogais entre as vogais I e A e E Observe que entre 'I' e 'A' tem zero (0) consoante e entre 'I' para o 'A' o som 'ai' se torna nulo permanecendo o som do 'ei' = 'ei:' Entre A e E tem uma (1) consoante ficando o som de com extensão = 'ee' - 'i:'

Por por regra : observe que o som das vogais sera afetado dependendo do numero de consoantes entre as vogais pulando de traz para a frente podendo ser anulado o primeiro som.

Twitter = 2 vogais entre 2 consoantes

T. W. I. T. T. E. R

2. Então o 'i' ser afetado porque o que antecede o som são 2 consoantes (se 2 consoantes ou mais fica o som em português ) = i2 ver tabela sempre. Por regra : Se ficar na segunda com 2 ou mais consoante permanece o som da letra em português. De zero(0) a uma (1) consoante fica o som em english.

Assista o video com explicação na web abaixo: http://www.sbt.com.br/ratinho/



PESSOAS esta não é uma dica

observação de quem anda por ai:

Pessoas quero deixar aqui para você, que esta nos acompanhando -, uma nova lição que é ler "leia" sempre não importando o nível do livro em english ou grau de instrução, o que você tem que encontrar a sua frente e identificar são: primeiro - ler importa principalmente em interpletar o texto e o contexto e, entender é identificar o conteúdo é também, compreender o movimento e a ação do texto e das palavras; embora, em forma de ação e movimento temos que reconhecer cada elemento e adotar um dicionário principalmente enquanto lemos, que é um amigo daquele que não tem tempo ou considera que não tem memória de elefante. Pessoas, ainda lembrando que,
o conteúdo é importante dentro do contexto por que voce necessita identificar a palavra chave e observar na lei do movimento bem como da ação, para quem faz algo ou deseja fazê-lo identificando o objeto realizado ou a realizar dentro do texto para o contexto ou vise versa (não se esqueça que os adjetivos, substantivos e verbos formam este estudo para analisar e entender a direção desejada no texto e contexto) .
+++ por exemplo - um livro de english infantil tem conteúdo, mas, principalmente contexto (passos que talvez não imaginamos fazer parte da gramática, mas que identificada a informação é) -, esta matéria vale para aqueles que pensam que o primeiro grau não valeu - pense melhor porque no segundo grau ainda é matéria de português - valeu!
++++ pessoas leiam livros de english TAMBÉM infantil por que alí voce encontrará dicas de pequenos movimentos e de ações que não recordamos dos passos e vamos correndo o mundo buscando mais, e não fiquem somente with child's books adote outro nível.

OBS.: PESSOAL PARA AQUELES QUE NÃO SABEM AINDA SOU ESTUDANTE DE ENGLISH (Nível Avançado) - nem por isto terei que saber tudo -, obrigada



►Para indicar uma ação realizada para alguém a nosso pedido ou em nosso favor, usamos uma forma apropriada do verbo to HAVE ou to GET e o particípio passado do verbo principal.

Ex.: I often have my car washed.

I often get my car washed.

He had this house painted.

He got his house painted.

We will have our hair cult tomorrow.

We will get our hair cut tomorrow.

Pessoas esta vale lembrar - o que é preposição - uma palavra que estabelece relação entre palavras na mesma oração

Pessoas você necessita fazer exercícios dos cursos livre da internet para complemento das fases Elementary, Intermediate e Advanced with possessive adjectives and pronouns para seu próprio entendimento, por exemplo:


Check A if the subject performed the action and B when someone else did it.

1 – She cleans her room every day. ( )

2 – I took a picture yesterday. ( )

3 – Judy was making her dress. ( )


Transform the sentences using causative have.

1 – They are washing their car now.


2 – I have brushed my hair.


3 – I’ll publish my poems some day.



Write sentences.

Example: Cindy/ mail / the letters / tomorrow.

Cindy will have the letters mailed tomorrow.

1 – I? just press? My clothes


2 – Bob? pull? two teeth? Next week


3 – Doris ? do? The dishes ? every day




►Usa-se it takes pra expressar o período de tempo que se leva para realizar uma ação.

Ex.: It takes me 20 minutes to GO from home to school. It will take us 30 minutes to clean our room.

Pessoas esta vale lembrar - o que é preposição - uma palavra que estabelece relação entre

Pessoas você necessita fazer exercícios dos cursos livre da internet para complemento das fases Elementary, Intermediate e Advanced with possessive adjectives and pronouns para seu próprio entendimento, por exemplo:


Rewrite the sentences using it takes, it took or it will take.

Example: He goes to school in 10 minutes.

It takes him 10 minutes to go to school.

1 – I recovered from my cold in a week.


2 – She went to work in 45 minutes.


3 – You’ll reach him in 20 minutes.



Answer these questions.

1 – How long does it take her to write a report? (30 minutes)


2 – How long does it take you to clean the house? (one day)


3 – How long will it take you to go to Rome? (7 hours)




►O gerúndio é uma forma verbal caracterizada pela terminação –ing e funciona como substantivo.
	Ex.:  Swimming is good to our body

►O gerúndio também é usado:
a)	Após preposições.
Ex.: She is tired of working.
b)	Após os verbos come e go (quando indicarem atividade física).
Ex.: Let’s GO shopping.
c)	Após os verbos: admit, avoid, appreciate, consider, continue, delay, detest, deny, enjoy, escape, finish, imagine, keep, mind, miss, practice, resist, suggest, stop, try e understand.
Ex.: He admitted  being wrong.

►	Assim como o gerúndio, o particípio presente também é caracterizado pela
terminação –ing. O particípio presente é usado para  formar tempos contínuos.
	Ex.: He is playing the guitar now.

Pessoas esta vale lembrar - o que é preposição - uma palavra que estabelece relação entre

Pessoas você necessita fazer exercícios dos cursos livre da internet para complemento das fases Elementary, Intermediate e Advanced with possessive adjectives and pronouns para seu próprio entendimento, por exemplo:


I – Supply the gerund form of the verbs in parentheses.
1 – The man admitted……………………(steal) the jewelry.
2 – She is very fond of ………………….(swim).
3 – They would appreciate………………(hear) from you.



► O infinitivo é a forma original do verbo  e pode aparecer com ou sem a partícula to.
►Usa-se o infinitivo sem to:
a)	Após os verbos anômalos, os verbos auxiliares do e Will e os verbos make e let.
Ex.: I can swim.
       Do you like coffee?
       Let me go.		  	
b)	Após as conjunções but e except.
Ex.: I will do nothing but cry.

►Usa-se o infinitivo com to:
a)	Após os verbos tell, invite, teach, remind, wish, desire, want.
	Ex.: I want to go home.
                  He told me to stop.
b)	Após as palavras too, enough, the first, the second, the last, the only.
Ex.: We are too young to die.
         I  was the first one to arrive. 
c)	Após adjetivos.
Ex.: This exercise is fifficult to do.

►►Atenção! O verbo help aceita infinitivo com ou sem to.
   Ex.: They helped us do our homework.
           They helped us to do our homework.

Pessoas esta vale lembrar - o que é preposição - uma palavra que estabelece relação entre

Pessoas você necessita fazer exercícios dos cursos livre da internet para complemento das fases Elementary, Intermediate e Advanced with possessive adjectives and pronouns para seu próprio entendimento, por exemplo:


I – Supply the infinitive with or without to.
1 – Let’s……………………(dance), shall we?
2 – It’s hard ………………….(study) all day.
3 – I’ll do anything for you but………………(wash) your car.
II – Supply the infinitive with or without to.

1 – It is wrong…………………(treat) animals cruelly.
2 – Please, let me ……………..(study) here.
3 – I made him………….(answer) the letter.



► Os verbos feel, hear, notice, observe, see, watch podem ser seguidos de gerúndio ou de infinitivo sem to.
           Ex.: They watched tehe birds flying.
                  They watched the bids fly.
►Verbos que podem seguindos de gerúndio ou de infinivo com to:

advise	forget	permit
allow	hate	prefer
attempt	intend	remember
begin	like	start
continue	love	stop
dislike	neglect	try
Ex.: I hate getting up early.
I hate to get up early.

►Os verbos advise, permit e allow, acompanhados de objeto direto, são seguidos do infinitivo com to. Não havendo objeto direto, esses verbos são seguidos apenas  de gerúndio.
Ex.: He allowed us to smoke.
        He allowed us smoking.
►Observe o verbo stop:
     They stopped to talk. (Eles pararam para converser.)
      They stopped talking. (Eles pararam de conversar.) 

Pessoas esta vale lembrar - o que é preposição - uma palavra que estabelece relação entre 

Pessoas você necessita fazer exercícios dos cursos livre da internet para complemento das fases Elementary, Intermediate e Advanced with possessive adjectives and pronouns para seu próprio entendimento, por exemplo:


Supply the Gerund or the Infinitive of the verbs in parentheses.

1 – I  heard you………………….(sing.)

2 – We observed the bird…………………(make) is nest.
3 -  They started……………….(look) for the criminal.


Supply the Gerund or the Infinitive of the verbs in parentheses.

1 – They had a bath before……………………….(go) to school.
2 – It’s hard…………………..(study) all day.
3 – We heard the baby……………….(cry).



► Would rather (‘d rather) expressa preferência.
   Ex.: I’m tired. I would rather take a taxi than walk home.
►Had better (‘d better) expressa  conselho.
   Ex.: You look  sick. You had better see a doctor.

Pessoas esta vale lembrar - o que é preposição - uma palavra que estabelece relação entre

Pessoas você necessita fazer exercícios dos cursos livre da internet para complemento das fases Elementary, Intermediate e Advanced with possessive adjectives and pronouns para seu próprio entendimento, por exemplo:


Supply would rather or had better.

1 – I ………………….eat in a restaurant than at home.
2 – He…………………rest a while. He’s been working for five hours.
3 -  You……………….go to the dentist immediately.


I – Transform these sentences in order to introduce would rather or had better.
1 – It will be better if you take an umbrella.
2 – She prefers to go by car. She doesn’t like to walk.
3 – It will be better if I go home now. It’s very late.

II – Supply the correct tag ending.

1 – You’d rather spend the winter in the mountains,……………..?
2 – The doctor’d rather examine him in this office,………………?
3 – She’d better see him after lunch,……………………..?