► Quando se relata uma ordem, usa-se o infinitivo.
Ex.: He said, “Open the door.”H e •told me
•asked me
to open the door.
He said “Don’t open the door.”He •told me
•asked me
not to open the door.
►Quando se relata uma pergunta, colocar-se a frase na forma afirmativa e observam-se as mesmas transformações feitas com as frases afirmativas (lição 65).
Ex>; He Said, “Where is Paul?” He asked where Paul was.
He said, “Is Paul here?” He asked if Paul was there.
Nota: Pode-se usar whether no lugar de if.
►Would, could, should, must e might não mudam de forma.
Ex.: He said, “ could go.” He said that he could go.
►Say é usado sem objeto indireto ou com objeto indireto precedido de “to”.
No discurso indireto, tell é usado com objeto indireto não precedido de “to”.
Ex.: John Said, “I Love Mary.” John said that he loved Mary.
John said to Mary, “I love you.” John told Mary that he loved her.
Pessoas esta vale lembrar - o que é preposição - uma palavra que estabelece relação entre
Pessoas você necessita fazer exercícios dos cursos livre da internet para complemento das fases Elementary, Intermediate e Advanced with possessive adjectives and pronouns para seu próprio entendimento, por exemplo:
Put these sentences into the Indirect Speech. Introduce them using told in sentences 1 to 3 and He said that in sentences 4 to 6.
1 – Johan said to Mary, “I hate you.”
2 – I said to the porter, “I am Mr. Spencer.”
3 – He said to Jane, “I am always here on Fridays.”
4 - “I must go to the library before it closes.”
5 – “Nobody could paint a picture as well as you.”
6 – “You should leave the country at once.”
Put these sentences into the Indirect Speech using the verbs indicated.
1 – “Sit down!” (he asked)
2 – “Come here!“ (they ordered)
3 – “Don’t run away!” (she told)
Put these sentences into the Indirect Speech. Introduce them using HE/SHE asked me in sentences 1 a 3 HE/SHE wanted to know in sentences 4 to 6.
1 – “What are you doing?”
2 - “Do you play the piano?”
3 - “How did you go to school?”