► Como se forma: verbo no infinitive sem to. Na 3ª pessoa do singular recebe –s ou - es. I walk You walk He walks She walks It walks We walk You walk They walk ► O presente simples é usado para expresser ações habituais. È geralmente empegado com advérbios de tempo: always, often, usually, frequently , sometimes, never, every day, on Mondays, etc Ex.: I usually walk to school. He works walk to school. ►O presente simples pode expresser também verdades universais e ações futuras planejadas. Ex.: Birds fly. The train leaves in five minutes. |
1 – Dogs------------------------(bark). 2 – I usually ------------(walk) to school. 3 – He ----------------(work) near his house. INTERMEDIATE Choose the correct alternative. 1 – I (work, works) downtown. 2 – She usually ( talk, talks) to him. 3 – John (love, loves) you. ADVANCED Supply the following verb forms.
1 – Little Peter ----------------- fruit every morning. 2 - we --------------------------- breakfast at 7 o’clock. 3 – She ------------------- her parents every Sunday. |